How to Find Remote Jobs Beginners Guide | Remote Year

12. Nov. 2021

people working in a coworking space

The pandemic has changed how we think about work. That’s why more people – like you – want to work remotely. Before COVID came along, the remote workforce was an exclusive club. Sure, you needed a gold badge to belong to the 17%. That is, until the times changed and 44% of us had to work remotely at the peak of the pandemic. Nearly one-quarter (~22%) of all workers could be fully remote by 2025. 

The primary appeal of remote work is the control and flexibility it offers. However, you can’t just snap your fingers and find remote work. For most people, it’s not easy, and we get that. Everyone now wants a job away from the office. You need to prove you’re the best person for the job, and there are many ways to do this. Learn how to find remote jobs and live the life you’ve always dreamed of with Remote Year’s beginner’s guide. Browse remote job boards here.

So, what is remote work?

Remote work is any work that allows you to do your job from any location other than a central office or physical location operated by the employer. It is also popularly known as work from home, distance work, telecommuting, or working from anywhere. Basically, remote work is a working style that allows professionals to work away from the office and successfully perform certain duties without being in a specific location. Besides, remote jobs can be full-time or part-time, giving workers a few days to skip the office. It’s even way cooler that you can also do remote jobs as a freelancer or contractor, moving on to the next gig once you finish one.

Some remote workers utilize co-working spaces – productivity and creativity hubs that serve as a bridge between a regular office and a non-traditional workspace. Others are also taking advantage of their flexibility and freedom to become digital nomads – location-independent workers who work online while traveling around the world. Digital nomads can also connect with like-minded individuals in a community which makes the entire process easier. Members of these communities travel in groups and forge strong relationships. This lifestyle allows remote workers to broaden their horizons and expand their personal and professional networks into a global one. 

The benefits of remote jobs

More people are looking at how to find remote work because of the many advantages over non-remote jobs. Some of the top benefits of remote jobs include:

Improved work-life balance When you take away time spent commuting, you get more control of your life and time. You can take a break whenever you want, plan your life, and spend more time with your family. 

Cost savings Going to work can be expensive for both employer and employee. Working remotely helps you save money on transportation, work clothes, and so forth, while employers save on rent, office supplies, and other utilities. 

Improved autonomy and productivity When you work remotely, you have greater autonomy on when and how you accomplish tasks. Whether it’s a beach, coffee shop, co-working space, or another country, the location you choose will most likely boost your productivity.

Timeliness Remote work lets you reduce or eliminate all activities prompting lateness. Working from your home's comfort permits you to execute your daily tasks pronto without facing traffic or waiting in line to get coffee — scenarios you'd likely face while heading to a physical office. With remote work, you can get out of bed and get cracking.

Personalized and comfortable workspace Your home office is your little corner of the world. How about personalizing your newfound efficiency superpowers it to reflect your taste and personality? You can, and you don’t have to worry about the desires of your coworkers.

Reduced stress and improved job satisfaction Stress from sources like a boss looking over your shoulder pushes traditional workers to dislike their job. But, remote workers easily develop trust in their employers, enjoy better overall job satisfaction, and maintain top mental and physical well-being.

Browse more remote jobs here.

Top 4 ways to get a remote job

The requirements for finding remote jobs aren’t too different from getting regular employment. You need the right qualifications and skills, send applications to hiring companies and wait for feedback. If you check all (or most) of their boxes, you’ll probably score an interview for the remote position before landing the job. Browse remote jobs here.

There’s really no “right” way or complete manual on how to find a remote job; you just have to dip your toes into it. Can the process be easier, though? Absolutely! Here, we’ve put together the top 4 ways to make your remote job search as easy as possible:

#1 – Ask your current employer

The first place to look in your hunt for remote work is to find out whether you can continue your current job remotely. Knowing how to ask to work from home can be scary (trust us, it is!), but it will save you the time and effort spent finding a new source of income or a new job. 

Some people may think that they cannot work remotely because of the industry they’re in. However, technology has evolved so much over the last decade that workers in almost any industry can effectively do their jobs remotely. If your role entails tasks executable from a PC or smartphone, you could seek a remote position. 

On the flip side, if your current role in your company isn’t so tech-dependent, you can consider transitioning into a different role to enable you to work remotely. There are almost no barriers to working remotely today; the only thing stopping you is you.

#2 – Tap into your network

If working remotely at your current job is impossible, you may need to seek opportunities within your professional circle. The relationships you’ve established through years of working in your industry can come in handy at this point. The odds are that there’ll be people who know about remote positions in your field. Your connections are likely to have connections that might just have an “in” at a company that needs remote employees for a project but never put up job postings. Ask people that understand your skillset to point you in the right direction for the next big step in your career. 

#3 – Start a cold job search

If you cannot continue your present career remotely and your network is unable to help you get a remote job, it might be time for a cold job search. If you’re going on a remote job search, here’s the right way to go about it: 

  • Follow 5 to 10 [online] fully distributed (completely remote) companies and keep track of their job listings. Contact their hiring team to make inquiries. Set an informational remote interview with a recruiter. Showcase your skills by doing free work. Provide feedback on their website, comment on their blog, or share the solution to a problem you’ve spotted. You’re essentially telling the company you’re paying attention and care about their success. 

  • Look for jobs with responsibilities that can be executed outside the office, even if they’re not listed as remote. Include location flexibility as one of the requirements for taking the job when you’re negotiating.

  • Only apply for remote job openings that need someone to do work you have passion for. The best job boards for remote work always have offers, and you may be tempted to jump on anything you see. Find a job you consider an incredible opportunity and make your interest known to the hiring manager. 

#4 – Take advantage of project-based services

If you’re still undecided about being a fully-remote worker and just want to test the waters, you can check out freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Catalant for one-off gigs that can earn you a little extra income. Your side tasks can also support you as you search for remote work or help you build a more extensive remote client base.

Best jobs to work remotely

Finding remote jobs can be easy or difficult, depending on your skill set and your desired line of work. People in the tech sector typically have no problem with getting remote jobs, while others in the medical industry will have to work harder to get remote jobs. Whatever the case, opportunities for location-independent jobs are on the rise, and it’s easier than ever to find remote positions across different fields. Check out a remote job board here.

Here’s our list of the best jobs to work remotely in 2024:

  • Consultant 

The term “consultant” is broad and explains why it’s a popular career path for location-independent workers. You can be a consultant in tech and non-tech fields. A consultant’s primary duties include analyzing a company’s processes and offering expertise to improve operational performance. Consultants often travel a lot, so being remote works perfectly as they can work from home and move from one location to the other as the need arises. 

  • Software Developer

Software development is one of the most in-demand and highest-paying remote jobs. A software developer designs and builds computer programs for phones, computers, and other devices. They identify user needs, create new software, and make improvements based on user feedback. Modern software development goes hand-in-glove with the remote work culture. Plus a software developer can be fully remote as most of their tasks are performed online. They may need to meet with other members of their development team occasionally to analyze project goals, progress, and snags. 

  • Content Creator

Everyone’s a content creator today, but they’re creating different things,  depending on the niche. Content creators could be bloggers, vloggers, photographers, videographers, podcasters, and other creatives who would rather not work in a traditional corporate environment. 

  • Graphic Designer

A graphic designer creates visually appealing projects using computer software or artistic media. They can work fully remotely to create logos, ads, fonts, and similar design elements. Meetings with clients or colleagues to discuss proposed designs can all be held online.

  • Customer Service Representative

A customer service representative handles customer complaints, answers questions, and provides information about a company’s products and services. They are excellent communicators who will go the extra mile to satisfy clients. Customer service representatives can perform their functions remotely by phone, video calls, or via digital communication software like Drift or Zendesk. 

  • Teachers/Tutors

The modern teacher doesn’t have to be in the same location as the student. Remote tutors can teach any subject to students of all ages using teaching software and video chatting applications. Modern technology enables teachers to do more than impart knowledge over the Internet; they can also create and maintain an emotional bond with their students via face-to-face video interactions.

  • Digital Marketer/Social Media Manager 

Digital marketers and social media managers make up a good percentage of the remote workforce. They manage their client’s online presence, curating targeted emails and social media content to attract customers. Their job is fully remote, and they can work from any location that enables them to be at their creative best. 

  • Business Development Manager

Business development managers find and lock in new clients for their company. They work independently and frequently need to travel to speak and form working relationships with potential clients. You certainly have a good case for remote working as a business development manager.

  • Accountant 

The modern accountant doesn’t have to keep or balance records manually anymore. Modern accounting systems allow accountants to manage clients’ finances online from any location. They can work remotely and meet with clients in cases where physical meetings may not be possible. 

  • Freelancers 

Many remote workers start as freelancers or transition into one later on in their careers. There are freelance designers, writers, translators, software developers, virtual assistants, and music producers. Remote work is great for freelancers as they manage their schedules and can usually work from anywhere with a laptop and an Internet connection. It’s also easy to find remote entry-level jobs as a freelancer with the widespread availability of one-time gigs on several freelance platforms. 

  • Registered Nurse

Get ready to ditch the lab coat and scrubs for a webcam and a few apps. The medical field is starting to catch up with other sectors when it comes to remote work. Some medical services that could only be delivered in person are now performed remotely due to improving technology. Registered nurses can give medical advice, create health plans, and check up on patients via telemedicine apps or phone, only going for home calls when necessary. 

  • Entrepreneur 

Being an entrepreneur is deeper than being a boss. To succeed as a remote entrepreneur, critical thinking is a must. This quality allows you to delegate activities and hire new talents required to push your firm forward to greater heights. If you can execute these acts with confidence, the remote entrepreneurial role may be the best alternative for you.

The stars align differently for each one of us, therefore our individual paths to remote work will be unique. It’s always best to first speak to your current employer about going remote in your current role. If that fails to happen, you can check out your professional network for opportunities. 

The road to becoming a location-independent worker has quite a few bumps, but you’ve got this. Imagine building your career and living life on your own terms; that’s worth every ounce of effort.

Interviewing for remote jobs 

So you’ve submitted your application and bagged an interview. It’s time to walk the talk. Show the employer what they’ll be missing if they choose not to hire you. Prepare for your interview in advance. Here are some solid prep tips to help you ace any remote job interview:

  • Select the right interview spot

Select a well-lit spot with a clean background for your interview. The ideal location should be quiet and free from distractions. You don’t want the sound from passing vehicles or crying children to interfere with your interview. Consider using the spot for your home office for your interview. Doing this tells prospective employers that you’re professional and take the role seriously.

  • Double-check your interview equipment

This point is crucial – a low-quality webcam or mic can make you lose points. Interviewers want to be able to see and hear you clearly. Test your mic, webcam, and Internet connection a few minutes before the interview to ensure they’re in perfect working condition. If you can, find out the communication platforms the interviewer uses and confirm that it works perfectly with your equipment. 

  • Look the part

Make your interview environment as professional as possible by wearing your workplace attire. Dressing well also makes an excellent first impression and puts you in the right frame of mind for your interview. 

  • Research the company and their culture

Snoop around a bit to arm yourself with sufficient information about the company you want to join; Google’s good for this. They’re more likely to want you on the team if you show that you understand the company ethos, their goals, and even why they are remote. Learn about company terms, their history, and their outlook for the future. Most of this information will be available on the company’s website. Knowing a lot about your prospective employer signals that you’re a passionate and good fit for the role.

  • Prepare questions and take notes

You’ll mostly be answering questions during your interview and some parts will feel like an interrogation. Fear not, you’ll get a chance to ask your own questions, so prepare for it. Asking questions about the company and its operations emphasizes your interest in the role and can help you come off as a stand-out candidate. Also, come with a notepad to take down any talking points for follow-up questions or interviews.

Final Thoughts 

The remote work revolution is here to stay. As technology continues to advance, it’s opening up opportunities for remote work across all industries, and it’s easier than ever to find your place in the remote work community. 

There’s no one right way to jump into remote work, and the important thing is to take the leap. In my experience, both in my personal life and through witnessing thousands of lives that have changed as a result of Remote Year, it’s obvious that remote work has the power to significantly improve the way we live. It allows us to take back control over the hours in our day, using them to not only create work that is meaningful, but to live a lifestyle that is inspiring to others. 

When we have the flexibility to work outside of the conventional office environment, we open our eyes to new perspectives; discover new and innovative ways to solve old problems, and connect with people who we would not have met were it not for the moment that we decided to burst out of our comfort zones. 

It all sounds too good to be true, but it really isn’t. As a professional searching for more from their life, can you transition into a flexible working style? The answer is a definite yes, and I hope to see you at the top.

Key Takeaways

  • Remote jobs allow you to work from any location other than a physical or central office.

  • The best industries for remote jobs are tech, healthcare, education, sales, consulting, and customer service.

  • Working remotely offers numerous advantages, including improved work-life balance, enhanced productivity, timeliness, reduced costs, and better overall job satisfaction. 

  • You can start your career by speaking to your current employer about switching your role to a remote one or tapping into your professional network. 


What are the best remote jobs?

The best remote jobs are in tech, healthcare, education, sales, consulting, and customer service. Remote jobs offering higher pay require more education, expertise, and experience. Browse remote jobs here.

Do remote jobs pay more?

Remote jobs in tech may pay more than onsite roles. However, remote workers usually earn as much as their onsite counterparts depending on their skill and experience. 

How easy is it to get a remote job?

Getting a remote job is as easy or difficult as your skill, experience, and determination. Depending on your industry, you may have to fight off competition to secure a remote job. But if you immerse yourself in the job search and show enough passion, you’ll get the job sooner than later.

Are remote jobs becoming more common?

Available statistics show that remote jobs are becoming more common. 16% of US companies are currently fully remote, and 66% of employees work remotely at least part-time. According to freelance platform Upwork, 22% of all workers are expected to be fully remote by 2025. 

What are the disadvantages of working remotely? 

The disadvantages of working remotely include:

  • Reduced teamwork and social interaction

  • The need for self-motivation and a high level of discipline

  • Over-dependence on technology 

  • Cybersecurity concerns

  • Increased need for meetings

  • Remote work can lead to a loss of work-life balance if managed improperly

Ready to find your first remote job opportunity?

Check out the Remote Year Job Board

As the pioneer in the remote work movement, Remote Year knows a thing or two about how to succeed professionally while traveling and working from anywhere. Their new remote job board site has set a high standard in handpicking remote jobs that are more open, transparent, and are actually remote jobs - something that other job boards claim, but don’t actually deliver.

For those looking for remote jobs, the Remote Year Job Board opens doors to genuine opportunities that seamlessly blend remote work with the freedom to explore the world. Imagine browsing and applying for positions that empower you to embrace a nomadic lifestyle without compromising on career growth. Search for your next opportunity here.

For those looking for remote talent, the Remote Year Job Board simplifies recruitment by connecting you with a diverse pool of top-tier talent from around the globe. Say goodbye to conventional hiring and embrace a new era of recruitment where every hire brings a unique perspective, enriching your team in ways you never imagined. And for now, Remote Year is offering recruiters and HR professionals free job postings. Click here and start hiring!

Already have a remote job and want to surround yourself with a community of curious and adventurous professionals who also want to explore the world while working remotely?

Take your remote job on the road with a work and travel program
